What I'm Thankful For
This whole month I’ve read on Facebook all the things people are thankful for. I didn’t participate in the daily giving of thanks that most people did. I can rarely do anything routinely. I’m lucky to get a shower on a daily basis let alone remember to post on Facebook what I’m thankful for every day. I’m sure I have Twenty-something things to be thankful for, but by the end of the month I would probably be digging pretty deep for something, or forget that I had already said I was thankful for that earlier in the month.
I’ve been thinking a lot about just exactly what I am thankful for. So if you bear with me I will share some of them with you.
First of all I am thankful for most of the same things all of us are. I am thankful for mine and my family’s health. We have a roof over our heads and food in our bellies. Those are all things that some aren’t so fortunate to have, and we shouldn’t take for granted the fact that we are fortunate enough to have them.
I am thankful for my kids, all five of them. Every one of them brings something to the table and I can’t imagine my life without them. We are so lucky to have the laughter, noise and craziness that goes along with having five girls.
Oh, and I am thankful for my husband too! Without him I wouldn’t have these five girls! And I wouldn’t have somebody to blame for a least half of the things they do that drive me crazy. They each have half of his DNA and let’s face it their mother’s DNA is flawless! ;)
I am thankful for my mother and father in-law, yes you heard that right! I am thankful for my mother and father in-law. I can honestly say I don’t know what we would do without them. They are here to help with anything we need, pick kids up from the bus, help when one of us is sick. It doesn’t matter what we need they are ALWAYS there for us. The Husband is often gone hauling cattle, so it is wonderful to know that they are here when I need an extra hand.
I am thankful we have a bus that comes to the end of our road to pick up the kids to take them to school. Without it I would make a 60 mile round trip 2 times a day to get kids to and from school. Again, I don’t want to take this service for granted, I know people who travel further and make the 2 trips a day to get their kids to and from school. I think I’m crazy now. I can’t imagine what my house would look like if I spent 2 hrs a day in my car. It already looks like I run a small zoo from my house.
Now this is where I might get a little petty, but honestly these are some of the things I am thankful for because they make my life a little easier or simply maintain what little bit of sanity I have left.
1. My large capacity front load washer and dryer. The washer and dryer run about as hard as the furnace does in January. My only hang up with a large capacity washer and dryer is eventually you have to fold all those clothes! I’ve always told The Husband, I may be open to the idea of “Sister Wives” as long as the other wife does laundry.
2. My Polaris Ranger with Cab and Heater! The Husband had always wanted one, and decides to buy one two days before my birthday, and calls it “MY birthday present” Since I can’t remember the last time he’s bought me a birthday gift I know that’s a bunch of bologna! I have to admit that it’s pretty nice to have. It makes going out and doing things in the cold with a one year old a whole lot more tolerable. And it was really handy this summer to have to do some of the gardening. So I am thankful for MY Polaris Ranger!
3. My little Sorrel mare Carmel. For a long time, we always put the kids on the nice safe broke horses. I always ended up riding something I didn’t trust or didn’t trust with the kids. For the last several years, I have wanted to buy a horse that I enjoyed riding and I could trust. Thanks to a wonderful friend who sent this mare our way, I finally have one! I’ve never had a horse for myself that I loved; now I do. I like knowing I can crawl on her and we can go do what we need to do, and all come back in one piece. That’s worth more than Carmel’s weight in gold. Let’s face it. If momma gets hurt the whole world as we know it comes to a screeching halt. Plus riding her puts a smile on my face!!
4. My I-Phone! Without it, I would never remember anything, we would never be on time for anything, and I wouldn’t have any spur of the moment snapshots of my children. Next to my Husband and my sister, I think Siri is my next best friend. If I ask her she will remind me of whatever I ask her to, such as turning on the dishwasher, returning phone calls or pay a bill. I love her even if she sometimes doesn’t understand what I’m asking and reminds me to do some pretty crazy things. I never remember to take my $800 camera that I had to have with me, so at least I have my phone. That way I don’t look like a completely negligent mom who doesn’t have any pictures of her kids at different events.
Well those are just a few of the things I am thankful for this year. I’m sure I am thankful for some of the same things you are, and yes I know some of them are silly. I mean, I know my mom didn’t have an I-phone to keep track of all of us kid’s crap, but come on…I hardly know my own name some days. I need all the help I can get!