Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I pray your sister steals your socks!

I belong to a Facebook group, it is a group of women who have a similar interests in common, no men.  These women post about anything from breaking a horse, cleaning a house, how to raise children, husbands, fixing fence or what to make to eat at branding, you name it they talk about it. Yesterday I read a post that took my breath away. It was a woman who was asking for prayers. She was headed to court and was scheduled to testify along with her children against her husband who came into her home and tried to kill her with a hatchet. She ended up with 39 staples a titanium plate, and brain surgery. After attacking her, he went into the children's bedrooms woke them up and told them he had killed their mother like they wanted. She started the post with "I don't normally share my dirty laundry" as if she was posting about a quarrel with a coworker or a gripe with landlord. She was asking for prayers that justice to be served. I have been praying for her, and her children and can't get them out of my head! 
Before I read this post I was busy with my morning routine. I got up from my warm bed where I sleep with my husband (who I am sure would never come after me with a hatchet). I woke up my 5 children from their warm beds, made them breakfast, packed their lunches while settling squabbles between #2 and #4. I combed their hair and gave an ultimatum to #4 about brushing her hair or she was going to have it all cut off! I put them on the school bus with kisses and I love yous, and I wished them all a good day! After the bus pulled away my neighbor and I chatted for a minute about the frustrations of being a mom. I wished her a good day and we both drove home. 
I did my chores, made myself some breakfast, and a cup of coffee. I opened up Facebook as I always do while I ate my breakfast and drink my coffee. That's when I read the story! So many things started running through my head and I just couldn't get her out of my mind! 
For starters I was grumbling around about my dirty house, squabbling kids and about other piddly things. My attitude has changed, I want to thank God!  The worst part of mine or my children's day was a squabble over combing hair! Even though I can't walk in her shoes, and know what her or her children have been through.  I do know that the healing process from an abusive situation is not something that happens over night. I pray that God puts a healing hand on her but most of all those children.
I went to bed last night and prayed for her and her children and can't get them out of my thoughts. As I drove my girls to the bus this morning I attempted to settle another dispute over a pair of socks that somebody wasn't supposed to be wearing. I stopped in the middle of my usual lecture as this woman and her children crossed my mind again. I thought how blessed are my kids to never have to know the pain those children are going through. I stopped my lecture and said "You are very lucky little girls! I pray that the worst thing that happens to you today is your little sister stole your socks.  Your bad day pales in comparison to some people's problems." I pointed out all the things they have to be thankful for... A full belly, a healthy lunch to take to school, a warm house, their health, and a loving family!
I pray for the worst thing to happen to any of us be for your sister to steal your socks! But I'm a grown up and I know there will be worse. I've seen worse, as a kid I wished my worst day was a simple as socks! 
Thanksgiving is in one week, and we have so much to be thankful for! I plan on doing a better job this year during the coming Christmas season of expressing how thankful I am for my family and friends and the life God has blessed us with!