Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blame it on my ADD

I’ve made a discovery, besides the fact that I’ve always enjoyed writing; this blog may be a good place to express my Mommy ADD.  So if you are reading along and think, hmmm that’s really random.  It probably is and I completely blame it on my ADD.  I think there is a song that goes a little something like that.  Anyway…
I’m sure I’m not the first or the last mom to suffer from Mommy ADD.  Really who hasn’t put the milk in the cupboard and cereal in the fridge?  I am sure I’m not the only one who has started the washing machine went to get clothes and forgot what you were doing and the washing machine ran a whole cycle with no clothes in it.  Or made a pot of coffee and didn’t put any coffee in the coffee maker?  Maybe I am the only one and I just ratted myself out.
My kids tell me I forget a lot, and I do.  But to my credit I have never forgotten them someplace and I have always remembered to feed them.  I can’t always guarantee they have had a shower or clean clothes.  Thank God the oldest 4 are able to shower themselves now, and I am teaching the oldest to run the washing machine.  So the next time I hear, “Mom you forgot to wash my clothes!” All I have to say is, “And you know where the washing machine is.”
 The oldest came home from school one night with a note that needed signed, she informs me that if she doesn’t bring this note back tomorrow signed she will get detention.  My thoughts were, “Here my 5th grader is more responsible than I am, has never had detention and the first time she gets it will be my fault.”  I hear her say, “I need this signed”, as I am trying to make supper and can’t sign it at that very moment. So I say, “Put it on the counter and I will sign it later.”  Later, as in I will find it in the morning after you’ve gotten on the bus.  Oh well, my intentions are often good.
It’s not always my fault my ADD is so bad.  Trying to do bookwork or anything that requires your complete attention for that matter is almost impossible in this house.  I am constantly bombarded by fighting or pleas for help or just endless chatter.  I can’t be the only one who has filled out a check and then looked down and realized instead of making it out to who you were supposed to, you have written it out to “Grand knock it off”.  I’m not sure if Grand Electric could’ve cashed that one?  I have filled out the insurance check and dropped it in the mail on my way out the door only to have the agent call about 4 days later to inform me I had forgotten to sign the check.   No distractions here!
 If I don’t return your phone call right away, please don’t be offended!  It’s not that I am dodging you or I don’t want to talk.  I honestly listen to the messages when we get home, and because of the 5 whining children I have just drug in the house with me I am unable to return them at that moment.  My plan is to call back tomorrow when kids go to school, go to bed or are tied up someplace. Of course I would never really tie them up, but the thought has crossed my mind.  Then the morning comes and goes with the same old routine and I have forgotten to call.  As soon as something jogs my memory that you have called, I promise I will call you back.
Thank the Lord for modern technology.  If it weren’t for being able to set reminders to go off on my phone, I would be in so much trouble.  Everything is set on there, practice schedules, game schedules, when show and tell and library books are due for each child, doctor appointments, 4-H meetings, deadlines,  and hair appointments, are all on my phone.  I have even set reminders on my phone to remind me to check the washing machine to make sure the clothes got put in the dryer.  It’s almost my crutch.  And I almost always have it in my pocket.  Because let’s face it.  I forget a lot, and need all the help I can get.


  1. Crap! Library books were due back today. Reading this post was like watching an episode out of my very own life. I only have 2 making noise in the background but often sounds like 5. Thanks for making me smile and reminding me that I'm not the only one! :)

  2. Thanks for reading Katie, I'm so glad I'm not the only too! When you put stuff out there, once and while you stop and think, Hmmm...maybe this isn't normal. Glad I'm not alone!!
